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Students come to school with a variety of mobile devices and wearables (including smart watches) that have advanced communications and recording features. 

The goal of this procedure is to balance parents’ choice to provide a child with such a device, but also the school’s obligation to provide an optimal learning environment for all students. It also helps to safeguard the privacy of staff, students and visitors to the school.


Staff at École I?t?’o?? understands that parents may choose to provide their children with mobile devices and wearables for a variety of family reasons. In recognition of this choice, the following guidelines will be used to govern the use of these devices at our school by students. They are as follows:

  • Student cell phones, tablets, and other similar devices must be turned off from 8:30 to 3:20. For wearables such as smart watches, they must be put into the equivalent of 'airplane mode' during these same hours. This period covers all in-school recess and lunch breaks. Students may have their devices on and may use them outside of the school building before or after school. However, all use of these devices on our school grounds must conform to our school’s code of conduct, and this procedure.
  • Student mobile devices are to be out of sight from 8:30-3:20 regardless of whether a student is inside the school building, or on the school grounds. Students may have their wearables only if they are in 'airplane mode' as explained above.
  • Students’ use of any device's features beyond text messaging and voice conversation must be with the prior approval of a school permanent staff member (meaning, substitute staff members temporarily assigned to the school cannot provide this authorization). For example, a student wishing to take a picture with their device must first get approval in accordance with this proceture. This provision is included in our policy as a safeguard for the privacy of staff and other students.
  • Note: This is a general provision for any device that has sound, still photography or video-recording capabilities (whether or not it is a mobile device or wearable)

Disruptions to the classroom and school routines that result from students not following this policy may result in:

  • The student being referred to the office for possible consequences. The scale of possible consequences will be in keeping with the school’s Code of Conduct
  • A student’s repeated misuse of a mobile device or wearable at school will result in the device's confiscation by an administrator. Confiscated devices will be stored securely, only being returned to the student’s primary caregiver.

The school will not be responsible for any stolen, lost, or damaged mobile devices or wearables.

In the case of a student requiring access to a wearable throughout the day (for example, to monitor a medical condition), exceptions can be made. Families may request such an exception in writing to the principal (graham.arts@yk1.nt.ca). Out of respect for the privacy of students and families, it is not necessary to reveal details about the condition. In rare cases, other reasons for exceptions may be considered. Again, the request for an exception, including a rationale, must also be sent in writing.

In the event of an emergency during the school day, parents should call the school’s main office at 867-873-3477 in order to speak with their child. Similarly, a child wishing to contact their parents by phone will be allowed to use a school phone with the permission of a member of the school’s staff.

Last Revision: February 23, 2024

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